RunnyMede Response

Sector: Heating, Ventilation and Cooling

Runnymede, based in Surrey, specialises in air conditioning, specifically wine cellar cooling systems and solutions for high-net-worth (HNW) domestic clients which are not built to standard construction. The company has become recognised for its capability as a problem solver that provides solutions to improve the efficiency and performance of building climate management.


The innovation challenge

Runnymede wanted to make improvements to the technology in their wine cellar fans. They sought to make the product more efficient all-round, in particular how it operates in extreme temperatures.

The Director, Alexandra, and her team had to test all of the various components, in different sizes, under different conditions, temperatures and humidity to find a mix that would achieve their aims. There is a need for Runnymede to continuously create prototypes to perfect and improve their product offering. 

How Alex engaged with Easy R&D

Runnymede were introduced to Easy R&D by their business coach, who noticed that Alex’s team were doing R&D activity that they could be rewarded for.

"The process to submit a claim was much easier than expected. Prior to engaging Easy R&D, we had mentioned to our accountant who advised it would be complicated and didn’t support it because the reward would not be worth the effort."

Our R&D tax consultant, Annalise Cowlishaw, met with Alex and outlined the entire process and ensured Runnymede were kept informed every step of the way. Annalise was able to identify multiple projects at Runnymede that would be considered as eligible by HMRC, not just the wine-cellar fan improvement thus optimising their potential tax credit. 

What can we learn from Alex and Runnymede Response?

  • Working with an R&D tax specialist makes all the difference. The consultant’s experience and knowledge allows them to uncover areas of R&D where the claim can be optimised and uplifted. 
  • The scope of what HMRC defines as R&D is broad and so what may be your everyday work could be eligible as claimable R&D expenditure
  • R&D that is not successful is still eligible to claim against. As is the nature of most R&D, it may take several iterations - like Runnymede’s multiple rounds of testing and prototyping - before finding a viable solution.

The time to take action is now

We invite you to join us for a free exploratory call to find out whether your business may be eligible to make a very substantial claim for this year and previous financial periods

We look forward to seeing how we can help you and your business to be better off - just like Runnymede Response. 


Not only did Easy R&D help us to obtain a substantial reward from HMRC, our Account Director went above and beyond to educate us. This has allowed us to spot what could be eligible R&D in real-time and note it down

Alexandra Egginton

Director, Runnymede Response

If you’re a small to medium company in the UK, you could also be claiming back up to £33 on every £100 spent on R&D. The work you do that qualifies for the R&D tax credits scheme — often embedded in the day-to-day running of your business — may surprise you.

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